Sunday, June 28, 2009

Just a quick Weekend Update about Sick Kiddo's!

Good morning! Or afternoon! I don't really know what we are considered right now! Anyway, just thought I would give a quick heads up... Larry is going to be here on THURSDAY!!! OMG I could go crazy with excitement!! haha

In other news, Rylee AND Kadence have both been sick since Friday! URGGG.... Rylee got sent home from school early on Thursday throwing up...then Friday she gets pink eye and starts running a fever...Seriously?!?! The vomiting and fever are gone, but pink eye is still going strong!

Kadence is just doing her usual "not feeling well" she isn't eating and is sleeping ALL DAY LONG! Hopefully we are getting on the mend tho. I would go nuts if they were sick when Larry got here!!

As for me, I have been fighting an infection in my leg where they did the surgery...YUCK! But it looks like it is getting situated. FINALLY.

My parents have been at the Cabin all weekend. It is kind of nice to have some alone time. I can't wait till we get a house of our own. I want to have a place to go and just relax without someone watching my every move. But that is just life right now. I am super excited for things to get back to normal.

More Later. Hope all is well!!

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